My Story
Since starting my own business in May 2020 I haven’t looked back!!
Starting SWLBL partnering with Scentsy was a side effect of the lockdown and I don't deny it was a hard time for all, but I have really seen some magic come out of it, and Scentsy is one of those magically experiences for me.
I've met new people made hundreds of new friends and found a passion. I get such a buzz sharing and being part of the Scentsy world. It really is one incredible place to be.
I have a wonderful growing group of people who decided to join me on the journey as well as a beautiful community group of customers and friends. So even in the dark days I have a light, well actually I have a lot of light (a side effect of having a Scentsy business, the amount of products you can earn is out of this world!!
So if you happen to be a Scentsy Virgin, or an addicit (sorry I do create addicitions), pop along and find me on pretty much all social media - Scent with love by Lucy or (SWLBL) for short and experience the world of Scentsy yourself xx